Online personal development course.
Who Am I? A Student's beginners skills guide to aid learning.
Service Description
'Who AM I' is a personal development course designed to help school aged children at secondary school build their self esteem, self knowledge and confidence as they progress towards working out their future plans. The course includes animation videos introducing topics such as Growth Mindset, Learning Styles and Needs, Developing Grit and Resilience plus questionnaires and much more. Created and designed by Katie Redfern at Meaningful Recruitment who works with Sixth Form students and Sarah Weller from the Weller Way who is a family relationship coach. This course has been published on Udemy and you can purchase it for £39.99. To make your purchase simply copy and paste the Udemy URL link here and make payment directly through their website:- . There's no need to book through my website but if you'd like to schedule a call to talk about this course email

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